
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Enquanto isso, na Holanda...

Esse vídeo é meio antigo (1997) e mostra  imagens de duas festas gabber para crianças, uma na cidade holandesa de Zoetermeer e outra em Zandaam, perto de Amsterdã.
Talvez isso explique por que a Holanda é um celeiro de DJ's e produtores de alto nível, enquanto por aqui o que "bomba"é o funk, o pagode, o axé...
E isso reflete lá na pista, na hora que tu coloca aquela track fantástica, bem produzida e com conteúdo e as pessoas vem te pedir Anita, Naldo e outras coisas de gosto duvidoso.
Temos um longo caminho a percorrer...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


E tá no ar o vídeo da NATIVE INSTRUMENTS mostrando o novo controlador chamando 
Voltado para DJ's que gostam de performance, ele permite que sejam remixadas tracks ao vivo (característica já bem trabalhada pela NI), a D2 tem a possibilidade de usar as tracks com a extensão STEM, que permite utilizar 4 elementos distintos da faixa separadamente, o que cria um universo novo na discotecagem.
A control tá a venda por US$ 499 no site da NI, no link abaixo

Dá uma conferida aí no vídeo oficial da NI

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Novo Formato de Música, o Stems

A new audio format called Stems will be rolled out over the coming months.

A Native acaba de anunciar um novo formato de arquivo de áudio chamado STEMS, que consite basicamente em uma trilha aberta na qual produtores e djs tem acesso a partes distintas da música (baixo, bateria melodia e vocais).
Idéia interessantisma que vai rolar bacana nas novas controladoras da Native.
Segue texto em inglês com mais detalhes: 

It was developed by Native Instruments and introduced by the company last week at WMC in Miami (where they also teased a new DJ controller). 
The idea behind it, as the format's name suggests, is to make more parts of the music available to DJs and producers to manipulate. Four "stems"—bass, drums, melody and vocals, for example—will live within the file and can be accessed individually and modified independently. A DJ, then, could mix from one track to the next by blending between stems instead of the entire track using volume and EQ. Stem files will first be usable beginning this summer on NI's Traktor digital DJing platform, but the format isn't proprietary—"anyone will be able to create, perform with, and distribute Stems in any way possible," the press release states, and a free app called the Stem Creator Tool will help with creating the files. NI promises more information on Stems at the beginning of this summer.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Novidade da Native Instruments vindo aí! Traktor D2 Modular Controller

E a Native Instruments, famosa fabricante de equipamentos e softwares pra DJ's, músicos e produtores, deu uma amostra de seu novo produto.
Pelas informações colhidas através do vídeo postado no youtube, é um módulo que possivelmente controlará dois decks e carece de soudcard externo.
Dá uma conferida no excelente texto de Joey Santos do site Digital DJ Tips sobre o 
Traktor D2 Modular Controller:

Native Instruments has just shown a glimpse of its upcoming Traktor Kontrol D2 controller over at the Winter Music Conference in Miami. 

The Traktor Kontrol D2 looks like one side of the flagship Traktor Kontrol S8 without a mixer, and looks to appeal to folks who want the Remix Decks plus built-in screen plus touchstrip feature set without having to lug around a big controller. Native Instruments hasn't set a release date and price at the time of this writing.

Based on the photo posted by Uner on his Facebook page, his set-up consisted of two Traktor Kontrol D2s, an Allen & Heath Xone:92 mixer, and a Native Instruments external sound card for four-deck audio. It has four foldable rubber feet underneath the unit so you can elevate it to standard DJ hardware height. You can see it angled in the photo above and in the Uner video because only two feet have been propped. It's also much larger than a Traktor Kontrol X1, judging by how it looks beside the Xone:92 mixer in the photo.

Veja mais AQUI

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Party & Beach

Dica pra quem quer ir a um lugar paradisíaco durante o dia e simplesmente fantástico durante a noite!
Koh Pih Pih fica na Tailândia e é um dos destinos turísticos mais procurados do planeta!
Estivemos lá eu e minha namorada em 2014 e comprovamos! Vale muito!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Como produzir música eletrônica sem um laptop

E pra começar a semana , um vídeo muito massa do canal DJ TECHTOOLS 
Uma maneira interessante de produzir música eletrônica de uma maneira mais simples e de forma mais "orgânica" digamos assim...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Edjing’s wireless crossfader!

Budding bedroom DJs and wannabe DMC finalists will be getting a new a new tool to add to their arsenal later this year in the form of a wireless crossfader called Mixfader. Launched today by DJIT – the company behind the popular DJ app Edjing – the Mixfader does as you might expect: it let’s you control playback between virtual decks when used in conjunction with an app. While any self-respecting DJ app will give you a virtual crossfader, the Mixfader has been designed specifically to let ‘turntablists’ make the precision movements required to carry off more intricate scratches or mixes. 

Connecting via Bluetooth, the fader will play nicely with “any smartphone or tablet,” according to the company and won’t suffer from latency issues when trying to pull off technical scratches. You wouldn’t want lag ruining your best DJ QBert impression, now would you?
What Edjing isn’t ready to disclose right now is the price, although it’ll undoubtedly end up a whole lot cheaper than a new mixer and a set of decks.
The Mixfader is set to arrive this Fall, and when it does, there will be one less reason to dust off your real turntables.
Fonte: The Next Web

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Plug and Play Pioneer CDJs with Traktor

Dica muito útil pra quem usa o Traktor como eu.
Ainda não experimentei usar os cdjs como controladora, mas é uma boa alternativa!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Getting Gigs: What Promoters Are Really Looking For

Belo artigo do DJ Chamber, publicado no site http://www.digitaldjtips.com/ que vale muito a pena ser lido.
Texto em inglês, mas vale traduzir pois dá aquelas dicas que são aparentemente óbvias mas que as vezes a gente acaba esquendo...

If you want to get the big gigs, you need to play the big game, and that involves working out and delivering what promoters really want.

During my long career in music (working on both the DJ side and the promoter side of bookings), I have picked up some valuable insights into the relationship between DJs and event promoters. There is a fairly large disparity between what many DJs feel promoters want and what the majority of promoters are actually looking for. Whereas many DJs feel that promoters are mainly looking for a well polished set of great tunes and technical skills (and although this can certainly help), promoters will often have a lot of things much higher on their priority list when choosing who to book for their events.

So for anyone who feels that they are not getting enough bookings, not getting the bookings they would like, or not commanding the fees they want for the shows they are getting, here is my insider guide to five of the most important things that promoters look for when booking a DJ. I would go as far as to say that most club/bar/festival DJ bookings that have ever taken place have hinged on at least three out of these five boxes being ticked, so always aim for that as the minimum:
  1. Put in work to get people to the event - This is something that anyone with a little time can and should do for every booking they receive. Bring friends, bring fans, tell people about the events you are playing at and keep all promotion nice and positive. Even if there are acts on the bill you dislike or aspects that you are not so keen on, keep your focus firmly on all the things you do like about the event
  2. Be a natural draw - This one generally comes with a lot of time and dedication and is often the biggest deciding factor when booking the headliner for an event. You will have a much easier time getting bigger bookings if you have an existing fan base or your reputation proceeds you through people knowing your music, seeing you perform at other events or seeing your video content online. Also, being seen as an up-and-comer who is quickly moving up the ranks can attract a lot of attention from promoters who want to book you before your fee gets too high
  3. Be promotable - A well put together press pack with good promotional photos, a nice logo, a clear bio listing your achievements/career highlights and (especially) some good online content (performance videos, online mixes or your own production) can really swing the decision of whether a promoter or club will book you. Anything you provide which can be used in their promotion of the event is seen as hugely beneficial to a lot of promoters. With promotability, even an act with no existing fanbase or friends local to the event can be an attractive booking possibility
Leia o restante do artigo no link AQUI

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 DJ Controller

Baita dica do brother Diego Corrêa, amigão DJ e colega do Bar Ocidente.
Eu sou fã da Numark, acho o preço dela justo pro que ela oferece, é robusta, leve e com design bacana.
Lançamento previsto pra maio por um preço camarada lá fora, em torno de US$ 300.
Seguem alguns recursos que ela tem (em inglês)

Numark Mixtrack Pro 3 Features include:
  • Dedicated filter knobs for each channel
  • Includes Serato DJ Intro-upgrade-ready for full Serato DJ
  • Includes Prime Loops remix tool kit
  • Multi-function Touch strip for dynamic FX control and Strip Search
  • 16 multi-function performance pads
  • All-new high resolution metal jog wheels
  • Dual 5-inch hyper-responsive metal platters
  • Multiple FX manipulation
  • Dedicated track browsing controls from your library
  • Integrated class compliant audio interface with ¼' and 1/8" headphone connections

Monday, March 9, 2015


Após um mês explorando o Subcontinente Indiano, estou de volta!
Pronto pra novos desafios!

Friday, February 6, 2015


E chega fevereiro e com ele o já tradicional recesso do Bar Ocidente (e consequentemente de todas as outras atividades que desenvolvo). 
Momento de dar aquela parada pra recarregar as baterias, refletir sobre o andamento das coisas e ajustar o planejamento pra 2015!
Mas podem ficar tranquilos que nos sábados vai rolar normalmente o programa CROSSOVER todos os SÁBADOS das 23:30h até 01:00 na DINAMICOFM como de costume! 
Bom fevereiro a todos! Nos falamos em março!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Casio Outs Two Crazy-Looking New DJ/Producer Devices

Que tal essa controladora em forma de Millennium Falcon do Star Wars?
Lançamento da CASIO, aquela mesma que fabrica os relógios G-SHOCK!
Tem esse modelo também, pra quem é mais chegado em botões do que no jogwheel:

Bacana não?
Mais info nesse link:

Friday, January 16, 2015


Então,no verão (janeiro e fevereiro) o REX BAR abrirá de segunda a sexta.
Logo, estarei tocando apenas nas TERÇAS!
Se agende e curta a happy hour mais massa da cidade!

Friday, October 24, 2014


E após uma pequena pausa na qual me desloquei com minha amada até Buenos Aires para comemorar meu aniversário, we're back!
Dá uma conferida na área de downloads que tem novidade! ;-)

Friday, January 11, 2013

LATEX - VERÃO 2013! 12/01 NO SÓTÃO!


Friday, January 4, 2013


Então, depois de um breve recesso de fim de ano à beira-mar, retomamos os trabalhos!
Hoje, presença na parte técnica do Bar Ocidente, amanhã dando suporte para a festa Balonê e as 22h deste sabadão 5/01 CROSSOVER com set deste que vos fala na DinâmicoFM!
Não perde que tá bacanudo!!!

Friday, December 14, 2012


Lenda viva das turntables se apresenta HOJE em SP! Imperdível!!!

Mais info: http://www.estadao.com.br/noticias/arteelazer,dj-qbert-da-invisible-skratch-piklz-toca-em-sp,971646,0.htm

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Traktor HID Integration With Pioneer

Agora ficou bonito....um dos principais problemas dos djs, a troca dos setups (e a falta de espaço nas cabines) parece estar com os dias contados...
Pra ficar perfeito, só faltava ser wireless... :-)

Friday, July 27, 2012